The Catholic Church uses various types of media in order to spread their ideals throughout the community and nation. From visiting Catholic Churches all around the world (from the United States to Italy) it can be generally understood that the Catholic Church is able to inform others through media in a form or written text and technology based text. During the mass in Castigllion Fiorentino, visitors are presented with a written document describing the step by step process of the mass. In addition to this written text, there are visuals of paintings and statues surrounding the people that make up the mass. This is more of an informal way of getting the attention of the people from the church to understand the story behind the mass. For those that do not attend mass or do not consider themselves to be Catholic, they can visually interpret posters and bulletins on the outside of the church as to what they believe the church is trying to inform them of. In contrast, the church is able to put out what they would like the people of the town to be informed about with the Catholic Church.
In Communio ET Progressio, it is mentioned that the “social communications tend to multiply contacts within society and to deepen social consciousness. As a result the individual is bound more closely to his fellow men and can play his part in the unfolding of history as if led by the hand of God” (Pastoral Introduction, on the means of social communication, 1971, Pg. 2). This explains how people are able to spread the word through language and text through the community in order to spread the word of the church. It refers to the idea that being able to spread the word and history of the church makes others more likely to follow under that word.
In the images posted, the reader/community is more able to understand what the Catholic Church is wanting the reader to get from what is posted. One of the pictures bellow was on the outside of the Catholic church that informs the people as to what is going on in the Catholic community (assuming that is what it is informing the people of). The second picture is the the actual paper given during the mass in the church in Castiglion Fiorentino. This is what the people read during mass which informs them as to what is going on during the church. Along with this paper are many others on the side that inform the people as to what is going on in and around the church community. These are just a couple of the ways the church decides to spread their messages to others in hopes of gaining more involvements from everyone around.
Pontifical Council for Social Communication. (1971). Pastoral Instructions: Communio et
Progressio, Vatican Document.